Cape Cod, MA

San Juan Islands, WA

San Diego, CA

Pensacola, FL
Locally Relevant Sea-Level Rise Projections
The Sentinel Site Cooperative Program and partners are proud to present a new resource for Extension and outreach professionals across the coastal United States.
What this website does:
This website allows users to quickly access sea-level rise projections for communities at the county and city level along U.S. coastlines. It also includes information on future high tide flooding associated with each sea-level rise scenario and the probabilities of exceeding each sea-level rise scenario.
How to use this information:
The data is assembled into a short two-page document that can guide conversations with coastal decision-makers and residents about how their coastline might change and how often they may experience future flooding.
Why this website is important:
Sea-level rise is negatively impacting our coastal communities and ecosystems, exacerbating and magnifying existing hazards. In many parts of the United States, sea-level rise is projected to be much higher than the global average. To effectively respond and prepare for these hazards, communities need local-level information about changes in sea level.
Accessing the data directly and printing the information:
For more technical users who want to pull the local rates and data there is a suite of downloadable resources with all the data in a data analysis helper. Simply enter the station in which you are interested, and all relevant data will be pulled from the database. There are also instructions on how to generate pdf two-pagers that have the same information as the website and the word template for the two-pagers. The instructions also provide background information on the calculations and data provided on the website.